
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hate Baiting and "The Big Bang Cloward-Piven Theory"

As the third in a series of posts I expect to make regarding "hatebaiting" by the Progressive/Socialist/Communist Movement, I want to talk a bit about the theory behind the use of hate, and how it will be used to take from us our Constitutional liberties.
As many will recall, in the late '60's, a Columbia School of Social Work professor named Cloward, partnering with his research assistant, named Piven put forth a theory whereby community organizing could be used to enroll huge numberes of poor people under welfare provisions, causing an economic crisis that would require a national minimum income rather than minimum wage.  In short, cocialism could be created by replacing "wage" (money tied directly to production. Read that, capitalism) with "income" (an individual entitlement to income. Read that socialism).  It was a theory that, at its core, used created crisis as the motivating factor for change.
Now, it is my belief that hate is being recreated as the final motivator that brings us to the final crisis, a crisis of violent activity, born from artifically created hate, and used to replace individual liberties guaranteed by our beloved Constitutioin, with safety from that violence, afforded by government, and acheived at the expense of those self same liberties.
In short, I think that the rheroric of hate is being artifically created by rcial and economic division will bring us to the brink of violence, that will be finally precipitated by a single incident caused by an unknown provocateur.  Riots reminiscent of 1968, met with counter-riots and violent activity.  Cries and public outcry for peace, and an ultimate public demand for safety from rioters...a demand for signficant government intervention, and ultimately the institution of martial law.
Look to the inactivity around the economy....look to the inactivity on the oilspill.  All they have to do is sneak into an event and foment violence to precipitate the problem, then damn the solution to that violence with faint resolution.  It;s being done will be done then.
This, my friends, is The Big Bang Cloward-Piven Theory. And hate is its engine.

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