It is time that we, as conservative Americans, walk the walk while we talk the talk. I have written previous posts about HateBaiting that has been leveled at us by our left side countrymen. But the problem with this perspective is that, if my theory of it being an Alinsky tactic is correct, it's working because we, by our own behavior, are enabling it to work.
It is now time for us, as American conservatives, to follow the tenets of both the Constitution we so frequently invoke, and the principles of our founding Christian religion, that we demand be respected equally. Let's take, as an example, the issue of race. Race has been used, very successfully, by the left, to vilify conservatives. It is pretty much accepted, erroneously, that values of limited taxation and lesser government intervention are racist. I mean, limiting taxation lessens the size of government, right? And the limitation on the size of governmental monies available will always limit the benefits given to our minority brethren, right?
This line of argument is so egregiously flawed as to be ridiculous, yet we have been unable to combat it effectively. Why is that? Because we are baited into arguments that appear or sound hateful. Rather than putting forth, in conservative blogs or on shows that are willing to offer conservative arguments along side liberal ones, compelling arguments as to why conservative values benefit minorities, as well as their majority brethren, we find our spokespeople, so called, attacking minority spokespeople. Just recently, Andrews Brietbart, in his blog, took an exerpt from a speech given to an NAACP convention, by Shirley Sherrod, and posted it. What he did was to successfully bait an inept White House/Obama Administration into making a knee jerk decision, based on fear and race. Here's the most unfortuante part. Both the White House AND Andy Brietbart were wrong, ethically and professionally. Whether or not Shirley Sherrod or any of her relatives have ever uttered a racist statement, what was presented was factually inaccurate, and further opened the national scism that we call race.
What position are we, as conservatives, in to criticize, when our spokespeople so aggregioiusly misrepresent the facts of their argument. Thanks, Andy...I'm a "friendly fire casualty."
Instead, why can't we rise above the namecalling and finger pointing? Why do we need, so voraciously, a villian to hate on the other side? Why can't we simply trust the wisdom of our own argument. Welfare benefits, while feeding marginally minority populations, do nothing to lift them from poverty and repression. In fact, our poverty programs have sustained minority poverty for almost four decades. I want anyone to explain to me how a welfare check EVER created a job for the recipient. Forgive me, but even the question I asked was "dumbassed" at its core. How can this argument fall on deaf ears?
Conservative Americans, we will lose every argument begun in limiting our compassion for our fellow citizens. We will begin winning those where we show the true compassion born in Judeo-Christian values, and codified in our Constitution.
And I'm here to tell you, once again, that you are being successfully baited to your own failure. Hate does not build a future, it destroys a present.
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