I have been writing for a bit about the use of hate in the assault on our Constitutional values, and, as such, our beloved Constitution itself. We are being baited into unprofitable and unkind discussions about race. We are being pushed, from both sides, in a hate-filled discussion of the inconsequential. Think about it? Who really cares what color a person is? White folks have been going to beaches for eons trying to look like black folks!! It is an inconsequential argument being used to stir strong emotion, emotion that can be channeled into less that productive behavior.
We are being spent into oblivion. Sensible Americans are looking at Congressional spending and seeing the abyss. We are being made poor, and the future of our children is being mortgaged in the name of idleness, Working folks have banded together into small local "teaparties". Getting together to advocate for their rights to be heard. Again the First Amendment at its best. Small groupings dedicated to electing candidates who are more rational in their policies, who listen and follow through on their promises. Then, along comes "The Tea Party Express", replete with tee shirts and bumper stickers, a bus and loud speakers. The rhetoric heats up and the divisions widen. Now, rather than small community groups of caring Americans, we are seeing "self proclaimed leaders", who have really hijacked the decency of individual citizens, spewing more hateful rhetoric, fanning the flames of anger in otherwise decent God-fearing folks.
Finally, we are seeing a debate over the "building" of a mosque a couple blocks from Ground Zero. Forget the fact that it existed already, and they only want to rebuild it. Forget the fact that it NOT at Ground Zero but blocks away. Forget that is is NOT being BUILT but RE-BUILT. Forget the pesky facts...Onward to hate and angst...
Why is that? It's Cloward/Piven theory at work. We are being forced into a crisis by people on both sides of the debate. Anger is rising. Rhetoric grows more bellicose. The words of our previous revolution are being invoked...and we are being pushed toward a crisis of safety...What do I think? I think that this "crisis of safety" will be used to justify stripping peaceable Americans of their firearms. And I believe THAT will spark a clash that government can ONLY put down by turning its OWN guns on its OWN CITIZENS. It will be a sad moment in our nation's history, and blood will run in the storm drains....
And for what? For the totalitarian designs of a few financiers who would use the theories of "social justice" to strip everyone of their opportunities? I think not.
I want to begin to caution folks...as we approach the 9/12 Project Rally in Washington DC on August 28th. Our "war" is already won at the polls in November...it's almost a done deal at this point if we don't fall asleep. Please don't be duped into the creation of the crisis the enemies of freedom, with their hate filled rhetoric, so need to solidify power over basic freedom. PLEASE.
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