I'm sitting on the ninth anniversary of the saddest day in our Nation's history, alternating between tears and swells of pride. I'm conflicted....so conflicted. I remember vividly nine years ago this morning, sitting at work and having my phone ring...."Turn on the news...quick"...and a day of labor ending in the face of two plumes of black smoke. I remember the feelings I had. How they alternated between heart wrenching sadness, and brute anger.
In the days, weeks and months that followed, I remember being so deeply proud to be an American. My goodness did we join together. I watched a President lead, and a nation follow. I remember learning about this group I had only heard glimmers of before...Al Quaeda. And a monster...Osama bin Laden, who actually believed that murdering innocent civilians was a Godly act. And I remember then rejecting that notion, out of hand, because no God would sanction that barbarism. I watched the Muslim faith be used to justify hatred and murder, and I watched a President warn us not to be taken in by this rhetoric. "Islam is a peace loving religion." said President George W. Bush.
But I also remember realizing that those people who had marched against us in the streets of so many foreign cities so many times before were taking on a special meaning for me and my fellow countrymen. No longer could we look at them as disrespectful nuisances who were exercising a right we afforded the least of our national brethren...the right of free speech...given precedence in the First Amendment to our beloved Constitution. Now, and forever, I would see them as potential threats to the well being of our nation and to law abiding and innocent civilians whose only crime was to go to work...
But I do not remember ever thinking anything but that the politics of hatred were to blame. Nor do I ever remember thinking that any religion, whether I believed in it or not, was based on hatred. Did I want Osama bin Laden dead? You can bet the deed to the ranch on that and never worry about homelessness! And I still do. Not because I think Christianity requires, nor justifies it. I want him dead because humanity justifies it. An act that heinous can have only one human response.
Yet I have sat here, in the last week leading up to 9/11/2010...the ninth anniversary of that tragic day and cannot help but think that we have come close to losing some thing much more important than even 3000 lives. I have watched us being lead to the brink of losing our national moral and ethical rudder. I watched an alleged "man of the cloth" from a Christian church in Florida openly call for a national "Burn the Koran Day" on the anniversary of 9/11.
First off, let me say, that I recall no historical event that intervenes between Adolf Hitler burning books in Berlin.and this planned event. And that parallel sickens me....
You see, to me, books symbolize the purpose of our First Amendment. They are the concretization of thought that that Amendment was designed to protect. In my mind, burning books is the ultimate symbol of the theft of freedom of thought and expression. And that, my friends, is the epitome of all "un-American'.
Now, why did the Rev. Terry Jones want to do this? As events unfolded, he decided that it was his statement that would persuade Muslims not to build a Mosque a few blocks from "Ground Zero". Why do we even care? The darned thing has been there for a couple years in a lousy building. Let em spruce the place up. I suspect you won't find me there for evening prayers, but you certainly won't find me opposing anyone who feels the requirement to do so.
You see, in that First Amendment is also the guarantee that we, each, have a right to exercise our own religious beliefs. I will continue to be a Christian...you can pretty much bank on that. But I feel fully confident that I can be a practicing Christian without precluding someone else from exercising the Muslim faith, or any other faith for that matter.
But I'm saddened...that the United States I so love...and the one that joined in the days and weeks after 9/11 together as one nation...and who was joined by so many foreign countries in our national grief...has been so disrespected by an act like this.
Reverend Jones..I am here to tell you that you have a right to hate Islam under my beloved Constitution. And you have a right to burn a Koran, if you own it. But I have the right to tell you a few things.
And I'm gonna!! You are a despicable excuse for a "holy man". You would make the Jesus I know weep, just like you made me weep. You are no better than Osama bin Laden himself, because you operate under the same theories and the same ethics he did when he put 9/11 into operation. It is the ethos of human hatred.
And let me remind you of what Heinrich Heine wrote, so presciently, and whose book was burned in Berlin: “Where books are burned in the end people will burn.”
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
The President's Religion and Attacks on the First Amendment
Over the last number of days, a "hot topic" in the national news, on both sides of the aisle, has been the President's religion, and the national perception of what it is. A recent poll has indicated that a full 1/5 of Americans think he is a Muslim. This is troubling, I suspect, because of the growing Islamophobia that we are experiencing and, to some degree, how he is handling both issues. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that I care little whether he is a Christian, Jew or Muslim....Buddhist, Hindu or whatever. In MY religion, the judgment of his spirituality is reserved for God at the time of his death. I personally would rather judge him based on his policies, plans, leadership and results. In short, I'd kiss the ground a Muslim president walked on if he were to create a mess of jobs, stimulate the economy, build private business and decrease government intrusion into private affairs. I certainly would not worship with him at his Mosque, and would entertain a spirited debate of my belief that Jesus is the Messiah with him, were I able to ever do that. But I'd kiss the political ground he walked on!!!
But, what frightens me most is that this debate actually has the endgame effect of creating the platform upon which TWO of the basic freedoms afforded us under the First Amendment of the Constitution are at risk. I have written extensively here, and on social media, that I fear that the national hatred for Islam that we are seeing is being, at the least exploited, if not actually created by those who would, as a matter of policy, like to ban religion in general. Every totalitarian state ever created on the face of the planet has banned religion as one of it's first and linchpin moves. For totalitarianism to work, it cannot have religion to compete with. Peoples belief in a Supreme Being is just too strong and pervasive.
But today, I want to have us look at the second First Amendment freedom that is under attack simultaneously, Freedom of the Press. With rising poll numbers indicating that President Obama is a Muslim, comes attacks from the "left side" on those it is holding accountable for it, terming it "racist". And they really have a half decent leg to stand on, given the fact that, prior to ever running for the Presidency, he attended Reverend Jeremiah Wright's Christian church for 20 years. I find his brand of Christianity troublesome...but it is not mine to judge. But this is leading now to a much bigger concern in my eyes.
Now we are seeing attacks on conservative journalists and "the blogosphere", with suggestions that these thing now be controlled. I think that the natural inclination of Americans to demand fair play is being summoned to use to limit more of the liberties we have been afforded under our beloved Constitution. I think it behooves all who love their freedoms to support the free exercise of religion, and to understand, at the same time, that it is an individual choice that gives us back our own choices. "Take from one, take from all." Why don't we stop talking about religion, anyone's including the President's and, instead resume talking about policies, plans, leadership and results.
THEN, let's demand of ourselves a discipline of readership, based on personal responsibility, that looks openly at both sides of an argument, and makes our decisions in an informed way. Let's confront, at every quarter, those who would decry debate using rancor to diminish its civility. You see, our beloved First Amendment was crafted by the "Framers" as the platform for debate...held in a climate of openness to new ideas. It is the concept that refreshes us nationally.
And I'm making a plea. Please do not play into the hands of those who would strip us of our liberties by subtly convincing us to abandon them ourselves. Our children deserve better.
But, what frightens me most is that this debate actually has the endgame effect of creating the platform upon which TWO of the basic freedoms afforded us under the First Amendment of the Constitution are at risk. I have written extensively here, and on social media, that I fear that the national hatred for Islam that we are seeing is being, at the least exploited, if not actually created by those who would, as a matter of policy, like to ban religion in general. Every totalitarian state ever created on the face of the planet has banned religion as one of it's first and linchpin moves. For totalitarianism to work, it cannot have religion to compete with. Peoples belief in a Supreme Being is just too strong and pervasive.
But today, I want to have us look at the second First Amendment freedom that is under attack simultaneously, Freedom of the Press. With rising poll numbers indicating that President Obama is a Muslim, comes attacks from the "left side" on those it is holding accountable for it, terming it "racist". And they really have a half decent leg to stand on, given the fact that, prior to ever running for the Presidency, he attended Reverend Jeremiah Wright's Christian church for 20 years. I find his brand of Christianity troublesome...but it is not mine to judge. But this is leading now to a much bigger concern in my eyes.
Now we are seeing attacks on conservative journalists and "the blogosphere", with suggestions that these thing now be controlled. I think that the natural inclination of Americans to demand fair play is being summoned to use to limit more of the liberties we have been afforded under our beloved Constitution. I think it behooves all who love their freedoms to support the free exercise of religion, and to understand, at the same time, that it is an individual choice that gives us back our own choices. "Take from one, take from all." Why don't we stop talking about religion, anyone's including the President's and, instead resume talking about policies, plans, leadership and results.
THEN, let's demand of ourselves a discipline of readership, based on personal responsibility, that looks openly at both sides of an argument, and makes our decisions in an informed way. Let's confront, at every quarter, those who would decry debate using rancor to diminish its civility. You see, our beloved First Amendment was crafted by the "Framers" as the platform for debate...held in a climate of openness to new ideas. It is the concept that refreshes us nationally.
And I'm making a plea. Please do not play into the hands of those who would strip us of our liberties by subtly convincing us to abandon them ourselves. Our children deserve better.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Parable of Monkeys, Myths, and Melodrama
Let's take a moment to look at an old parable about a group of monkeys, and how their behavior is shaped:
Monkeys --
Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana.
As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all the other monkeys with cold water. After a while another monkey makes the attempt with same result, all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put the cold water away. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs.
To his shock, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one.
The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm.
Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs he is attacked.
Most of the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana.
Why not?
Because as far as they know, that is the way it has always been done around here.
And that, my fellow monkeys, is how politically based lies operates....
We need to question the common wisdom told to us, especially when that wisdom is accompanied by strong emotion. That strong emotion is being used to simulate cold water and has a deleterious hidden agenda, usually, in this climate, one that is eroding the relevance of the United States Constitution, and making the values that made us strong appear to make us weak. It is the way that melodramatic mistruths are being spread by extremists from both the right side, and the left side. AND...the purpose of all that water? It ain't to make the monkeys cleaner!
Beware! A little cold water sprinkled on others does NOT a Constitutional flood make.
Cloward-Piven, Unrest and the Second Amendment
I have been writing for a bit about the use of hate in the assault on our Constitutional values, and, as such, our beloved Constitution itself. We are being baited into unprofitable and unkind discussions about race. We are being pushed, from both sides, in a hate-filled discussion of the inconsequential. Think about it? Who really cares what color a person is? White folks have been going to beaches for eons trying to look like black folks!! It is an inconsequential argument being used to stir strong emotion, emotion that can be channeled into less that productive behavior.
We are being spent into oblivion. Sensible Americans are looking at Congressional spending and seeing the abyss. We are being made poor, and the future of our children is being mortgaged in the name of idleness, Working folks have banded together into small local "teaparties". Getting together to advocate for their rights to be heard. Again the First Amendment at its best. Small groupings dedicated to electing candidates who are more rational in their policies, who listen and follow through on their promises. Then, along comes "The Tea Party Express", replete with tee shirts and bumper stickers, a bus and loud speakers. The rhetoric heats up and the divisions widen. Now, rather than small community groups of caring Americans, we are seeing "self proclaimed leaders", who have really hijacked the decency of individual citizens, spewing more hateful rhetoric, fanning the flames of anger in otherwise decent God-fearing folks.
Finally, we are seeing a debate over the "building" of a mosque a couple blocks from Ground Zero. Forget the fact that it existed already, and they only want to rebuild it. Forget the fact that it NOT at Ground Zero but blocks away. Forget that is is NOT being BUILT but RE-BUILT. Forget the pesky facts...Onward to hate and angst...
Why is that? It's Cloward/Piven theory at work. We are being forced into a crisis by people on both sides of the debate. Anger is rising. Rhetoric grows more bellicose. The words of our previous revolution are being invoked...and we are being pushed toward a crisis of safety...What do I think? I think that this "crisis of safety" will be used to justify stripping peaceable Americans of their firearms. And I believe THAT will spark a clash that government can ONLY put down by turning its OWN guns on its OWN CITIZENS. It will be a sad moment in our nation's history, and blood will run in the storm drains....
And for what? For the totalitarian designs of a few financiers who would use the theories of "social justice" to strip everyone of their opportunities? I think not.
I want to begin to caution folks...as we approach the 9/12 Project Rally in Washington DC on August 28th. Our "war" is already won at the polls in November...it's almost a done deal at this point if we don't fall asleep. Please don't be duped into the creation of the crisis the enemies of freedom, with their hate filled rhetoric, so need to solidify power over basic freedom. PLEASE.
We are being spent into oblivion. Sensible Americans are looking at Congressional spending and seeing the abyss. We are being made poor, and the future of our children is being mortgaged in the name of idleness, Working folks have banded together into small local "teaparties". Getting together to advocate for their rights to be heard. Again the First Amendment at its best. Small groupings dedicated to electing candidates who are more rational in their policies, who listen and follow through on their promises. Then, along comes "The Tea Party Express", replete with tee shirts and bumper stickers, a bus and loud speakers. The rhetoric heats up and the divisions widen. Now, rather than small community groups of caring Americans, we are seeing "self proclaimed leaders", who have really hijacked the decency of individual citizens, spewing more hateful rhetoric, fanning the flames of anger in otherwise decent God-fearing folks.
Finally, we are seeing a debate over the "building" of a mosque a couple blocks from Ground Zero. Forget the fact that it existed already, and they only want to rebuild it. Forget the fact that it NOT at Ground Zero but blocks away. Forget that is is NOT being BUILT but RE-BUILT. Forget the pesky facts...Onward to hate and angst...
Why is that? It's Cloward/Piven theory at work. We are being forced into a crisis by people on both sides of the debate. Anger is rising. Rhetoric grows more bellicose. The words of our previous revolution are being invoked...and we are being pushed toward a crisis of safety...What do I think? I think that this "crisis of safety" will be used to justify stripping peaceable Americans of their firearms. And I believe THAT will spark a clash that government can ONLY put down by turning its OWN guns on its OWN CITIZENS. It will be a sad moment in our nation's history, and blood will run in the storm drains....
And for what? For the totalitarian designs of a few financiers who would use the theories of "social justice" to strip everyone of their opportunities? I think not.
I want to begin to caution folks...as we approach the 9/12 Project Rally in Washington DC on August 28th. Our "war" is already won at the polls in November...it's almost a done deal at this point if we don't fall asleep. Please don't be duped into the creation of the crisis the enemies of freedom, with their hate filled rhetoric, so need to solidify power over basic freedom. PLEASE.
Comfort, Safety and the Constitution
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both" Benjamin Franklin
As the debate over "the Mosque at Ground Zero" heats up, how more relevant could old Ben Franklin be? The same argument is being framed in numerous ways, with numerous motivation and from all sides. It's pretty clear. NO ONE wants a Mosque built even close to the site where the Twin Towers fell. So many motivations are ascribed, most villainous. Why else would the barbarous Muslims build a temple at the location where so many Americans died for no less a crime than going to work on 9/11/2001? It is a sign of defiance right? A sign of conquest right? I sign that the ONLY goal worth pursuing for a Muslim is world domination? Who knows...any or all of those could be coming into play. I doubt it. But who knows....
Here is what I DO know. The First Amendment of our beloved Constitution affords ALL citizens the right to worship as they see fit, where they see fit, and how they see fit, as long as the practices of their religion are not otherwise unlawful. THEN, it is ONLY those practices that are outlawed, NOT the religion. As an example, were a religion to espouse polygamy, the practice of that religion would be acceptable, but the practice of marrying more than one woman would be unacceptable and punishable under existing law in ALL 50 States.
The FEAR here is that the Cordoba Initiative will harbor terrorists, and be used as the epicenter of more terror attacks on US soil, the goal of which is the domination of US culture by Muslim belief. Could this be the case? Maybe. Is the POTENTIAL for criminal activity (except for flight from existing incarceration) cause to suspend one's rights under the Constitution? I think not. The Fifth Amendment protects us from incarceration except by indictment of a Grand Jury, and for a crime already committed.
So what's going on here? Scroll back and you will see that I have made a case, consistently, that a move is afoot to strip you of your liberties, not by armed insurrection, but by convincing you that your "temporary security" is at risk, and that the provisions contained in the Constitution are impeding protecting you. Forces are at hand that are plotting to strip you of even your most basic liberties, the liberties to think and believe what you want, to express those beliefs openly in verbal form (Freedom of Speech), written form (Freedom of the Press), and in the "contemplative" form, prayer (Freedom of Religion).
And what equally concerns me is that false information is being offered from BOTH sides of the American political perspective, or certainly inflammatory rhetoric and activity. One the one hand, we have those of us who consider ourselves Conservatives. "We" want strong military action. 9/11 was perpetrated by Muslims who stated they were fighting a "Holy War"..."a Jihad" against the "Infidels"...the Christians. I was debating him, on Twitter, about Islam being "anti-Christian". He cited Surah 9:5 as evidence that the Koran ordered the killing of Christians. Here's the problem. In NO translation does the word "Christian" occur. In differing translations there is an order to kill "infidels" or "pagans" (depending on the translation.) Here's the OTHER pesky little fact. In Surah 9:4, just one paragraph before, "infidel" or "pagan" are defined....as people who worship multiple gods. What's more, in Surah 9:6, Muslims are told that, even if an infidel asks to be spared, he must be afforded so, and that the Muslim sparing him must attempt to make him accept that one God. If he DOESN'T accept the teaching, he then must receive double protection, both from the Muslims, AND from his own people. It is actually under this religious law that the Pushtan tribesmen spared and protected Marcus Luttrell, the Navy SEAL who survived a horrible ambush that killed all his teammates.( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/10/AR2007061001492.html )
Then, I pick up Time Magazine and see the face of a Muslim woman whose nose was brutally cut off, allegedly based on some barbarian's belief, ascribed to Islamic belief. Right in the middle of the "the Mosque at Ground Zero" debate. Huh...Did the editorial board have choices? Were there OTHER stories about Muslims? Maybe they could have chosen to write a major story about a "summer camp" run by a Muslim cleric, and designed to lead young Muslims AWAY from terrorism? ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10900478 ) Could they not tell the story of the camp (Seeds of Peace) in Otisfield, Maine that is bringing Christians, Jews and Muslim children together to learn each others culture and return to their own as "Seeds" to spread the word of tolerance? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seeds_of_Peace ) The timing of this article does NOTHING but inflame already existing anger and misperception.
Finally, our President offers words in support of the Mosque. I am NO FAN of Barack Obama. I believe he is one of the selfsame Communists who are assaulting our Constitutional capitalist was of life. But his words were correct. Yet, they fell in an abyss of hatred that has gone unconfronted and mistakenly fanned by an administration that has mishandled conflict from its first day in office. I understand he walks a political tightrope on this issue, because of his name....
In our history, we have made this mistake in other ways, at other times. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, we rounded up all citizens of Japanese descent and put them in "interment camps". We imprisoned them...for no other crime than having parents who were Japanese. It took over 40 years, and a man named Ronald Reagan to apologize to our proud Japanese citizens...Ron Reagan understood that Americans don't do that..
Folks, I'm not asking you not to hate 9/11. I'd be the first to remind you and the first to spend my heard earned tax money to fight the at any location with any manner at any cost. But I'd like NOT to fight a religion. I'd like to fight political entities who hijack religion for murderous purposes. In doing so, we truly make ourselves free....in NOT doing so, we mortgage both our liberties and our safety, just as Ben Franklin warned us. We are being led down the road of giving up our First Amendment rights willingly, because we want protection from terror. We will end up with neither,
As the debate over "the Mosque at Ground Zero" heats up, how more relevant could old Ben Franklin be? The same argument is being framed in numerous ways, with numerous motivation and from all sides. It's pretty clear. NO ONE wants a Mosque built even close to the site where the Twin Towers fell. So many motivations are ascribed, most villainous. Why else would the barbarous Muslims build a temple at the location where so many Americans died for no less a crime than going to work on 9/11/2001? It is a sign of defiance right? A sign of conquest right? I sign that the ONLY goal worth pursuing for a Muslim is world domination? Who knows...any or all of those could be coming into play. I doubt it. But who knows....
Here is what I DO know. The First Amendment of our beloved Constitution affords ALL citizens the right to worship as they see fit, where they see fit, and how they see fit, as long as the practices of their religion are not otherwise unlawful. THEN, it is ONLY those practices that are outlawed, NOT the religion. As an example, were a religion to espouse polygamy, the practice of that religion would be acceptable, but the practice of marrying more than one woman would be unacceptable and punishable under existing law in ALL 50 States.
The FEAR here is that the Cordoba Initiative will harbor terrorists, and be used as the epicenter of more terror attacks on US soil, the goal of which is the domination of US culture by Muslim belief. Could this be the case? Maybe. Is the POTENTIAL for criminal activity (except for flight from existing incarceration) cause to suspend one's rights under the Constitution? I think not. The Fifth Amendment protects us from incarceration except by indictment of a Grand Jury, and for a crime already committed.
So what's going on here? Scroll back and you will see that I have made a case, consistently, that a move is afoot to strip you of your liberties, not by armed insurrection, but by convincing you that your "temporary security" is at risk, and that the provisions contained in the Constitution are impeding protecting you. Forces are at hand that are plotting to strip you of even your most basic liberties, the liberties to think and believe what you want, to express those beliefs openly in verbal form (Freedom of Speech), written form (Freedom of the Press), and in the "contemplative" form, prayer (Freedom of Religion).
And what equally concerns me is that false information is being offered from BOTH sides of the American political perspective, or certainly inflammatory rhetoric and activity. One the one hand, we have those of us who consider ourselves Conservatives. "We" want strong military action. 9/11 was perpetrated by Muslims who stated they were fighting a "Holy War"..."a Jihad" against the "Infidels"...the Christians. I was debating him, on Twitter, about Islam being "anti-Christian". He cited Surah 9:5 as evidence that the Koran ordered the killing of Christians. Here's the problem. In NO translation does the word "Christian" occur. In differing translations there is an order to kill "infidels" or "pagans" (depending on the translation.) Here's the OTHER pesky little fact. In Surah 9:4, just one paragraph before, "infidel" or "pagan" are defined....as people who worship multiple gods. What's more, in Surah 9:6, Muslims are told that, even if an infidel asks to be spared, he must be afforded so, and that the Muslim sparing him must attempt to make him accept that one God. If he DOESN'T accept the teaching, he then must receive double protection, both from the Muslims, AND from his own people. It is actually under this religious law that the Pushtan tribesmen spared and protected Marcus Luttrell, the Navy SEAL who survived a horrible ambush that killed all his teammates.( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/10/AR2007061001492.html )
Then, I pick up Time Magazine and see the face of a Muslim woman whose nose was brutally cut off, allegedly based on some barbarian's belief, ascribed to Islamic belief. Right in the middle of the "the Mosque at Ground Zero" debate. Huh...Did the editorial board have choices? Were there OTHER stories about Muslims? Maybe they could have chosen to write a major story about a "summer camp" run by a Muslim cleric, and designed to lead young Muslims AWAY from terrorism? ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10900478 ) Could they not tell the story of the camp (Seeds of Peace) in Otisfield, Maine that is bringing Christians, Jews and Muslim children together to learn each others culture and return to their own as "Seeds" to spread the word of tolerance? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seeds_of_Peace ) The timing of this article does NOTHING but inflame already existing anger and misperception.
Finally, our President offers words in support of the Mosque. I am NO FAN of Barack Obama. I believe he is one of the selfsame Communists who are assaulting our Constitutional capitalist was of life. But his words were correct. Yet, they fell in an abyss of hatred that has gone unconfronted and mistakenly fanned by an administration that has mishandled conflict from its first day in office. I understand he walks a political tightrope on this issue, because of his name....
In our history, we have made this mistake in other ways, at other times. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, we rounded up all citizens of Japanese descent and put them in "interment camps". We imprisoned them...for no other crime than having parents who were Japanese. It took over 40 years, and a man named Ronald Reagan to apologize to our proud Japanese citizens...Ron Reagan understood that Americans don't do that..
Folks, I'm not asking you not to hate 9/11. I'd be the first to remind you and the first to spend my heard earned tax money to fight the at any location with any manner at any cost. But I'd like NOT to fight a religion. I'd like to fight political entities who hijack religion for murderous purposes. In doing so, we truly make ourselves free....in NOT doing so, we mortgage both our liberties and our safety, just as Ben Franklin warned us. We are being led down the road of giving up our First Amendment rights willingly, because we want protection from terror. We will end up with neither,
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Conservative Housecleaning; Wash out the Hate
It is time that we, as conservative Americans, walk the walk while we talk the talk. I have written previous posts about HateBaiting that has been leveled at us by our left side countrymen. But the problem with this perspective is that, if my theory of it being an Alinsky tactic is correct, it's working because we, by our own behavior, are enabling it to work.
It is now time for us, as American conservatives, to follow the tenets of both the Constitution we so frequently invoke, and the principles of our founding Christian religion, that we demand be respected equally. Let's take, as an example, the issue of race. Race has been used, very successfully, by the left, to vilify conservatives. It is pretty much accepted, erroneously, that values of limited taxation and lesser government intervention are racist. I mean, limiting taxation lessens the size of government, right? And the limitation on the size of governmental monies available will always limit the benefits given to our minority brethren, right?
This line of argument is so egregiously flawed as to be ridiculous, yet we have been unable to combat it effectively. Why is that? Because we are baited into arguments that appear or sound hateful. Rather than putting forth, in conservative blogs or on shows that are willing to offer conservative arguments along side liberal ones, compelling arguments as to why conservative values benefit minorities, as well as their majority brethren, we find our spokespeople, so called, attacking minority spokespeople. Just recently, Andrews Brietbart, in his blog, took an exerpt from a speech given to an NAACP convention, by Shirley Sherrod, and posted it. What he did was to successfully bait an inept White House/Obama Administration into making a knee jerk decision, based on fear and race. Here's the most unfortuante part. Both the White House AND Andy Brietbart were wrong, ethically and professionally. Whether or not Shirley Sherrod or any of her relatives have ever uttered a racist statement, what was presented was factually inaccurate, and further opened the national scism that we call race.
What position are we, as conservatives, in to criticize, when our spokespeople so aggregioiusly misrepresent the facts of their argument. Thanks, Andy...I'm a "friendly fire casualty."
Instead, why can't we rise above the namecalling and finger pointing? Why do we need, so voraciously, a villian to hate on the other side? Why can't we simply trust the wisdom of our own argument. Welfare benefits, while feeding marginally minority populations, do nothing to lift them from poverty and repression. In fact, our poverty programs have sustained minority poverty for almost four decades. I want anyone to explain to me how a welfare check EVER created a job for the recipient. Forgive me, but even the question I asked was "dumbassed" at its core. How can this argument fall on deaf ears?
Conservative Americans, we will lose every argument begun in limiting our compassion for our fellow citizens. We will begin winning those where we show the true compassion born in Judeo-Christian values, and codified in our Constitution.
And I'm here to tell you, once again, that you are being successfully baited to your own failure. Hate does not build a future, it destroys a present.
It is now time for us, as American conservatives, to follow the tenets of both the Constitution we so frequently invoke, and the principles of our founding Christian religion, that we demand be respected equally. Let's take, as an example, the issue of race. Race has been used, very successfully, by the left, to vilify conservatives. It is pretty much accepted, erroneously, that values of limited taxation and lesser government intervention are racist. I mean, limiting taxation lessens the size of government, right? And the limitation on the size of governmental monies available will always limit the benefits given to our minority brethren, right?
This line of argument is so egregiously flawed as to be ridiculous, yet we have been unable to combat it effectively. Why is that? Because we are baited into arguments that appear or sound hateful. Rather than putting forth, in conservative blogs or on shows that are willing to offer conservative arguments along side liberal ones, compelling arguments as to why conservative values benefit minorities, as well as their majority brethren, we find our spokespeople, so called, attacking minority spokespeople. Just recently, Andrews Brietbart, in his blog, took an exerpt from a speech given to an NAACP convention, by Shirley Sherrod, and posted it. What he did was to successfully bait an inept White House/Obama Administration into making a knee jerk decision, based on fear and race. Here's the most unfortuante part. Both the White House AND Andy Brietbart were wrong, ethically and professionally. Whether or not Shirley Sherrod or any of her relatives have ever uttered a racist statement, what was presented was factually inaccurate, and further opened the national scism that we call race.
What position are we, as conservatives, in to criticize, when our spokespeople so aggregioiusly misrepresent the facts of their argument. Thanks, Andy...I'm a "friendly fire casualty."
Instead, why can't we rise above the namecalling and finger pointing? Why do we need, so voraciously, a villian to hate on the other side? Why can't we simply trust the wisdom of our own argument. Welfare benefits, while feeding marginally minority populations, do nothing to lift them from poverty and repression. In fact, our poverty programs have sustained minority poverty for almost four decades. I want anyone to explain to me how a welfare check EVER created a job for the recipient. Forgive me, but even the question I asked was "dumbassed" at its core. How can this argument fall on deaf ears?
Conservative Americans, we will lose every argument begun in limiting our compassion for our fellow citizens. We will begin winning those where we show the true compassion born in Judeo-Christian values, and codified in our Constitution.
And I'm here to tell you, once again, that you are being successfully baited to your own failure. Hate does not build a future, it destroys a present.
Hate Baiting and "The Big Bang Cloward-Piven Theory"
As the third in a series of posts I expect to make regarding "hatebaiting" by the Progressive/Socialist/Communist Movement, I want to talk a bit about the theory behind the use of hate, and how it will be used to take from us our Constitutional liberties.
As many will recall, in the late '60's, a Columbia School of Social Work professor named Cloward, partnering with his research assistant, named Piven put forth a theory whereby community organizing could be used to enroll huge numberes of poor people under welfare provisions, causing an economic crisis that would require a national minimum income rather than minimum wage. In short, cocialism could be created by replacing "wage" (money tied directly to production. Read that, capitalism) with "income" (an individual entitlement to income. Read that socialism). It was a theory that, at its core, used created crisis as the motivating factor for change.
Now, it is my belief that hate is being recreated as the final motivator that brings us to the final crisis, a crisis of violent activity, born from artifically created hate, and used to replace individual liberties guaranteed by our beloved Constitutioin, with safety from that violence, afforded by government, and acheived at the expense of those self same liberties.
In short, I think that the rheroric of hate is being artifically created by rcial and economic division will bring us to the brink of violence, that will be finally precipitated by a single incident caused by an unknown provocateur. Riots reminiscent of 1968, met with counter-riots and violent activity. Cries and public outcry for peace, and an ultimate public demand for safety from rioters...a demand for signficant government intervention, and ultimately the institution of martial law.
Look to the inactivity around the economy....look to the inactivity on the oilspill. All they have to do is sneak into an event and foment violence to precipitate the problem, then damn the solution to that violence with faint resolution. It;s being done now...it will be done then.
This, my friends, is The Big Bang Cloward-Piven Theory. And hate is its engine.
As many will recall, in the late '60's, a Columbia School of Social Work professor named Cloward, partnering with his research assistant, named Piven put forth a theory whereby community organizing could be used to enroll huge numberes of poor people under welfare provisions, causing an economic crisis that would require a national minimum income rather than minimum wage. In short, cocialism could be created by replacing "wage" (money tied directly to production. Read that, capitalism) with "income" (an individual entitlement to income. Read that socialism). It was a theory that, at its core, used created crisis as the motivating factor for change.
Now, it is my belief that hate is being recreated as the final motivator that brings us to the final crisis, a crisis of violent activity, born from artifically created hate, and used to replace individual liberties guaranteed by our beloved Constitutioin, with safety from that violence, afforded by government, and acheived at the expense of those self same liberties.
In short, I think that the rheroric of hate is being artifically created by rcial and economic division will bring us to the brink of violence, that will be finally precipitated by a single incident caused by an unknown provocateur. Riots reminiscent of 1968, met with counter-riots and violent activity. Cries and public outcry for peace, and an ultimate public demand for safety from rioters...a demand for signficant government intervention, and ultimately the institution of martial law.
Look to the inactivity around the economy....look to the inactivity on the oilspill. All they have to do is sneak into an event and foment violence to precipitate the problem, then damn the solution to that violence with faint resolution. It;s being done now...it will be done then.
This, my friends, is The Big Bang Cloward-Piven Theory. And hate is its engine.
Immigration, Socialism and Racial Hatred.
In my series of posts that you will see, I'm going to inspect how hatred is being used, operationally, in the march to socialism/communism. I wrote a few days ago about how hatred was the only means that those who would rather see social equality exist than success and failure, how it is only that pesky Constitution that stands between that relatively small cabal of power brokers who would enslave virtually everyone in mediocrity, to ensure their own supremacy.
I am of the firm belief that, right now as we speak, a plan is being hatched to goad mainstream conservative folks into rhetoric and action that is based on racial hatred. This is being accomplished by a sophisticated Progressive movement schooled in Alinsky theory and steeped in the recent successes of that age-old favorite, the Cloward-Piven Theory. But make no mistake about it, the hatebaiting that is ging on is being fueled by a small but virulent segment of the Conservative side, that hated first. In this, both sides are wrong. Wrong from a Judeo-Christian perspective, and an American Constitutional perspective. I don't know where the chicken lies nor where the egg lies, but as the son of a chicken farmer, I can tell you this: The henhouse stinks.
And I want to preface what I say by sharing that, in my heart, the heart that grew up in the 50's and 60's, in the heart that was saved so many miles away by a black SFC, who sacrificed his to save so many...in a heart that watched Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King struggle for things I was given without asking...in a heart that watched a talented black soldier from a small school in the Bronx become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs...and in the heart who watched a President play on his land in Texas with his neices and nephews who had brown skin...in that heart I was glad to see a man with at least part African heritage become President. It was the wrong man...not for his color or features, but for his beliefs. But he proved to me we were better than those who came before us.
Now, in two short years since we proved to the world that race didn't matter, we are careening wildly back into a world where race truly matters. My God, my God, my GOD...it's so wrong. At the very alter that our national reverence for difference was being strengthened...now it is being destroyed. Why would we begin to hate all immigrants because SOME entered illegally? Weren't we all immigrants once? Why are we beginning to hate people of color in general when it is a precious few who have re-taken the mantle of Black Panther hatred up? Weren't we all minorities once? Why are we moving so surely to the hatred of all Muslims, when it is some very visible and murderous ones who would hurt us? Weren't we all religious miscreants when we arrived on these sho res?
Why are we so readily, yet so subtley, agreeing to put aside the spirit of our Constitution, a spirit of inclusion and respect, and so readily allow its replacement with motivation based in hatred?
C ertainly not because we are thoughtless, nor stupid. Certainly not because we are racist, at our national core, nor consumed with hate. Certainly not because we have become the willing subjects of a Hitler, or a Stalin, or a Mao Tse Tung.
We are doing so because we are being baited into anger by a small group of powerful people who have not a smidgeon of the conscience you have, and proved it by caring enough to read my rantings.
You see, the immigration issue is a ruse. It's a bold attempt to anger mainstream America, that their hard earned money is being spent to feed and clothes intruders. It is designed to fuel long dormant racial stereotypes and bring forth old hard feelings, to be used in ways that profit neither blacks nor whites, latinos nor anglos....That hatred will be the fuel used for the loss of your voice in your future, the loss of your votes and the loss of your speech. The loss of your guns and the loss of your ability to rise up against tyranny. In its' place will be a sytem that ensures that no one will be successful enough to control those who put it in place. We will all truly be equal...black and white, latino and anglo, Muslim and Christian, Buddhist and Jew...equally powerless to stop a machine created, fueled and prospered by hate.
In our discussions...our political musings...in our policies and our day to day actions, let's celebrate legal i mmigration. Let's simpley demand that reasonable border security be maintained, and elect people who have a history of supporting that. Let's look beyond rhetoric. But let us never resort to hate as the fuel..the motivation for our actions. When hate becomes the currency or our national debate, we are no better than tyrants ourselves.
I am of the firm belief that, right now as we speak, a plan is being hatched to goad mainstream conservative folks into rhetoric and action that is based on racial hatred. This is being accomplished by a sophisticated Progressive movement schooled in Alinsky theory and steeped in the recent successes of that age-old favorite, the Cloward-Piven Theory. But make no mistake about it, the hatebaiting that is ging on is being fueled by a small but virulent segment of the Conservative side, that hated first. In this, both sides are wrong. Wrong from a Judeo-Christian perspective, and an American Constitutional perspective. I don't know where the chicken lies nor where the egg lies, but as the son of a chicken farmer, I can tell you this: The henhouse stinks.
And I want to preface what I say by sharing that, in my heart, the heart that grew up in the 50's and 60's, in the heart that was saved so many miles away by a black SFC, who sacrificed his to save so many...in a heart that watched Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King struggle for things I was given without asking...in a heart that watched a talented black soldier from a small school in the Bronx become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs...and in the heart who watched a President play on his land in Texas with his neices and nephews who had brown skin...in that heart I was glad to see a man with at least part African heritage become President. It was the wrong man...not for his color or features, but for his beliefs. But he proved to me we were better than those who came before us.
Now, in two short years since we proved to the world that race didn't matter, we are careening wildly back into a world where race truly matters. My God, my God, my GOD...it's so wrong. At the very alter that our national reverence for difference was being strengthened...now it is being destroyed. Why would we begin to hate all immigrants because SOME entered illegally? Weren't we all immigrants once? Why are we beginning to hate people of color in general when it is a precious few who have re-taken the mantle of Black Panther hatred up? Weren't we all minorities once? Why are we moving so surely to the hatred of all Muslims, when it is some very visible and murderous ones who would hurt us? Weren't we all religious miscreants when we arrived on these sho res?
Why are we so readily, yet so subtley, agreeing to put aside the spirit of our Constitution, a spirit of inclusion and respect, and so readily allow its replacement with motivation based in hatred?
C ertainly not because we are thoughtless, nor stupid. Certainly not because we are racist, at our national core, nor consumed with hate. Certainly not because we have become the willing subjects of a Hitler, or a Stalin, or a Mao Tse Tung.
We are doing so because we are being baited into anger by a small group of powerful people who have not a smidgeon of the conscience you have, and proved it by caring enough to read my rantings.
You see, the immigration issue is a ruse. It's a bold attempt to anger mainstream America, that their hard earned money is being spent to feed and clothes intruders. It is designed to fuel long dormant racial stereotypes and bring forth old hard feelings, to be used in ways that profit neither blacks nor whites, latinos nor anglos....That hatred will be the fuel used for the loss of your voice in your future, the loss of your votes and the loss of your speech. The loss of your guns and the loss of your ability to rise up against tyranny. In its' place will be a sytem that ensures that no one will be successful enough to control those who put it in place. We will all truly be equal...black and white, latino and anglo, Muslim and Christian, Buddhist and Jew...equally powerless to stop a machine created, fueled and prospered by hate.
In our discussions...our political musings...in our policies and our day to day actions, let's celebrate legal i mmigration. Let's simpley demand that reasonable border security be maintained, and elect people who have a history of supporting that. Let's look beyond rhetoric. But let us never resort to hate as the fuel..the motivation for our actions. When hate becomes the currency or our national debate, we are no better than tyrants ourselves.
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